Camila Islamova

I have always loved working with children, and started doing so since I was only 18. I worked as an instructor in children’s (pioneer) camps and learned a lot from that experience. In the last 5 years, I have been working as a history teacher, and also as a violin tutor. I believe that learning to play musical instruments helps to broaden children’s horizons and enriches their studies.

Education: After graduating from Tashkent University of Eastern Studies, History Department, I worked as a history teacher in Tashkent Polytechnic College. I also graduated as a violin player from a music school and played in an orchestra. After coming to the UK, I studied at Business Manager Faculty in Anglia Ruskin University.

Camila Islamova

Describe myself: Kind, happy and responsible.

Favourite activities: Yoga, music, folk dancing, camping and travelling.

What I can’t live without: Being in a good mood, sports and music.

Favourite sayings: “Your life goes to where your thoughts travel...” and “Don’t have 100 roubles – have 100 friends instead!”